miércoles, 3 de enero de 2024

Treasury Management for Good: How ReFi Medellín Incorporates Glo Dollar

A few weeks ago, we shared an exciting announcement: the incorporation of Glo Dollar into our treasury. This represents a big milestone: directly supporting Glo’s positive mission as well as making our activities more impactful. 

What John Ellison described as "treasury management for good" wonderfully illustrates how even simple actions, such as holding a coin, can create positive impacts. There’s no wonder that this perspective motivates us to look more closely at other aspects of our operations, too. But for today, let’s talk about our thrilling partnership with Glo! 💸

What Is Glo Dollar?

Glo Dollar’s concept is simple yet powerful: a fiat-backed stablecoin that generates basic income for people in extreme poverty. Yes, with Glo, you can make a positive impact by holding a coin—contributing to a new form of donationless philanthropy.  

So, how does it work? Every Glo Dollar in circulation has a minimum of $1 in cash or US Treasuries backing it. The interest from these US Treasuries, which often serves as a revenue source for stablecoin companies (such as UST), is donated to GiveDirectly, a charity operating mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa, with programs in Yemen and the US. 🌍

This is how Glo describes the impact on its website. 👇

The more money we earn → the more we donate → the fewer people live in extreme poverty.

ReFi Medellín's Integration of Glo Dollar

In our journey at ReFi Medellín, social responsibility is a key driver of our decisions. That’s why we have committed to allocate 30% of our treasury to Glo Dollar ($GLO).

As the first local node of ReFi DAO within the Glo Consortium, we hope to inspire a new financial management model. It’s not just about us: It's about setting an example and encouraging other organizations in finance and crypto to consider how their assets can contribute to meaningful causes. 🤝

This initiative balances maintaining a stable treasury and contributing to a cause that resonates with our values. It's a small yet significant step in demonstrating that financial decisions can have a far-reaching, positive impact.

Why Does This Matter?

With time, for every $20,000 held in Glo, one person is elevated from extreme poverty, with no extra cost to those holding the currency. To us, this is a great example of how finance can be a tool for good. Projects like Glo show us how we can bake our values into our currency and, ultimately, reshape how we view and deploy capital. 💰

At ReFi Medellin, we like to think about making our processes more regenerative, identifying tangible value that had previously been difficult to pinpoint. Glo helped us explore that with financial management, and we’re excited to look for other similar opportunities in the future.

Do you agree that even just holding a currency can be both an expression of a belief and a step toward a more empathetic and responsible world? Join us on our journey. 💚

BlogPost by: TerezaBizkova

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2023

Blockchain for Good: Our Recap of the Web3 Colombia Hackathon

At ReFi Medellín, our mission has always been to intertwine the threads of web3 with sustainability, community, and positive impact. And what better way to catalyze this mission than through the dynamic platform of a hackathon?

If you’ve been following our journey, you know this had been in the works for a while... 👇

Hacking Regenerative Finance in Colombia

We were excited to sponsor the Web3 Colombia Hackathon on December 2-3, organized by the amazing EthColombia team, with our involvement made largely possible thanks to Prezenti Grants. 🚀

The hackathon was a hybrid event held in Bogotá, with hackers connecting from all over the country and even setting up physical hacking hubs in Medellín and Cali.

With its rich biodiversity, massive agricultural sector, and pressing social inequalities, Colombia presents a powerful potential for regenerative finance. Naturally, our goal for the hackathon was to introduce this potential to the next generation of builders in the country.

We welcomed hackers, mentors, and web3 enthusiasts, and, setting up the ReFi track, we really saw a great confluence of passion, innovation, and curiosity for positive impact.

ReFi Track Winners

Out of the 13 participating teams, we are grateful to the eight innovative projects that submitted an entry to our ReFi track, representing a total of 39 talented builders! The requirement was to build on the Celo chain and incorporate a positive impact element. 

These were the winners:

🥇 First Place: Green World DAO

Prize: 400 $cUSD + 100 $uWatts + English Courses

GreenWorldDAO addresses the challenge of expensive eco-friendly products. By creating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), it aims to incentivize the adoption and use of sustainable products. This initiative empowers the community to support and vote for eco-friendly projects, enhancing environmental initiatives.

🥈 Second Place (TIE): Kiwi & GreenGate

Prize: 200 $cUSD + 50 $uWatts + English Courses

As a decentralized financial protocol, Kiwi focuses on inclusivity and social responsibility. Its mission is to democratize credit access, offering loans to individuals across all socioeconomic backgrounds without any discrimination or bias.

GreenGate, on the other hand, combines a deep understanding of environmental challenges with a commitment to ecological preservation. Leveraging blockchain technology and NFTs, it aims to provide access to natural parks while contributing to their conservation.

🥉 Third Place: TrainYourAI
Prize: 100 $cUSD + 25 $uWatts + English Courses

TrainYourAI is a pioneering application that transforms crop optimization. It equips farmers and agricultural professionals with tools to boost efficiency and sustainable yields, showcasing the innovative intersection of AI and blockchain in agriculture.

Congratulations again to all the winners for their contributions and innovative solutions in the realm of ReFi!

Let’s Keep Building! 

Sponsoring a hackathon was also a big learning experience for our team at ReFi Medellín. We participated as mentors, collaborators, and judges and really identified the importance of physical & digital spaces for collective imagination of innovation for good. 🍃

It’s no secret that hackathons with a ReFi focus have been quite rare, yet we see them as important catalysts for propelling real-world progress in the space. That’s why we’re eager to explore events like these further, both in organizing and collaborating roles! 

We're excited about what lies ahead and are excited to be at the forefront of regeneration and innovation with the ReFi community. Join our journey by saying hello in our Telegram group or by following us on Twitter.

BlogPost by: TerezaBizkova

miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2023

Explorando el Futuro Financiero de América Latina: Nuestra Inmersión en el Blockchain Summit Latam, Colombia 2023

Nuestra incursión en el Blockchain Summit Latam Colombia 2023 fue una experiencia reveladora que nos sumergió de lleno en las fascinantes aguas de la tecnología blockchain y las criptomonedas. A lo largo de tres días, del 4 al 6 de octubre, la vibrante Bogotá se transformó en el epicentro de nuestra atención, reuniendo a expertos, emprendedores y apasionados que compartían nuestro interés en explorar las aplicaciones revolucionarias de esta tecnología.

Desde el principio, nos sorprendió gratamente la diversidad y vitalidad de la audiencia, desafiando los estereotipos preconcebidos sobre los asistentes a eventos tecnológicos. La fría mañana en la capital colombiana se disolvió ante la cálida presencia de mujeres y hombres diversos, jóvenes y adultos, todos unidos por la curiosidad común hacia la evolución de la blockchain y las criptomonedas.

 Desde el primer día, fuimos cautivados por conferencias esclarecedoras e informativas que abordaron aspectos cruciales del panorama financiero actual desde nuestra perspectiva. Nos llevó a reflexionar sobre la intrincada relación entre Bitcoin, el dinero tradicional y la constante amenaza de la inflación. Nos sumergimos en la cuestión de si Bitcoin será la última moneda, explorando el futuro de las finanzas en la era de la web3. Figuras destacadas en la industria, compartieron sus visiones sobre cómo Bitcoin y la tecnología blockchain pueden transformar el sistema financiero, haciéndolo más transparente y accesible.

Los paneles, en los que participaron expertos, nos brindaron perspectivas valiosas sobre la adopción de criptomonedas en Latinoamérica, desmitificando las monedas estables y debatiendo sobre los desafíos de los medios de pago y las billeteras digitales.

No solo se abordaron aspectos financieros, sino que también se exploraron los desafíos específicos de América Latina. Reflexionamos sobre si las criptomonedas pueden resolver los problemas de la región, incluyendo el acceso limitado a servicios bancarios y la volatilidad de las divisas.

ReFi Medellín en sociedad

Tuvimos la honorable oportunidad de presentarnos ante el público especializado quienes aplaudieron nuestra iniciativa por regenerar el planeta y la sociedad, en lugar de solo extraer valor de ellos, lo que puede ser visto como un sistema financiero que aboga por un pensamiento más consciente e integral sobre nuestras actividades cotidianas.

En pocas palabras le mostramos al auditorio que existe la necesidad vital para el planeta Tierra que sus seres humanos hagan una redefinición del “valor” y podamos entender y aplicar que no solo son importantes los beneficios financieros sino que existen otras formas de capital que pueden ser potenciadas y regeneradas por nuestras buenas acciones cotidianas.

En ese sentido lanzamos a la comunidad nuestra colección de NFT Origin que le ofrece acceso a contenido exclusivo para quienes conserven nuestra colección en sus billeteras.

También tuvimos la oportunidad de acompañar a nuestros amigos de Mercado NFT en el lanzamiento de su exposición “Print” en Bitácora Restaurante al norte de Bogotá. Una exposición cautivante que lleva un vuelo de sensaciones desde el arte impreso al arte NFT.

El evento también abordó temas críticos, como el uso criminal de las nuevas tecnologías, donde Nidia Soto de la Fiscalía General de Colombia destacó la importancia de la acción proactiva para combatir los delitos cibernéticos y educar al público sobre las amenazas digitales.

Finalmente, el panel, compuesto por Andrés Junge (Notabene), Carlos Jaramillo (Chainalysis), Gabriel Campa (Towerbank) y Ricardo Mihura (ONG Bitcoin Argentina), proporcionó un análisis detallado de la situación actual de las criptomonedas en cuanto a los marcos reguladores globales y el rol del Grupo de Acción Financiera Internacional (GAFI). Trató los desafíos que la industria cripto tiene para cumplir con las normativas internacionales contra el blanqueo de dinero (AML) y la financiación del terrorismo (CTF).v

En resumen, nuestro viaje a través del Blockchain Summit Latam Colombia 2023 fue una odisea personal e intelectual que nos permitió sumergirnos de lleno en un diálogo significativo sobre la evolución de la tecnología blockchain y las criptomonedas. Las diversas perspectivas compartidas por expertos, empresarios y líderes de la industria nos proporcionaron una visión completa de los desafíos y oportunidades que se avecinan en el panorama financiero de América Latina. Estamos emocionados por el futuro de esta tecnología y ansiosos por aplicar el conocimiento adquirido en nuestras organizaciones y comunidades.

BlogPost by: 

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2023

Hello World, We Are ReFi Medellín! 👋

Hello World, We Are ReFi Medellín! 👋

Imagine a financial world where resources don't just deplete—they renew, rejuvenate, and increase over time. This is the foundational belief of Regenerative Finance (ReFi). Around the globe, ReFi has grown into an entire movement. It shows a commitment to creating economic systems that focus not just on profits but also on creating holistic wealt that benefits the individual, the community, and the planet.

But that’s not everything: A core tenet is also democratizing the world of finance, ensuring equitable access for all.

Welcome to our world! Based in the City of the Eternal Spring, the beautiful Medellín, we are a tribe of “regens”—passionate advocates of ReFi. As we publish our first blog entry ever, we are thrilled to take you on a journey through our story, our aspirations, and a sneak peek into our recent work. Dive in with us! ⛰️☀️🌿

The Story of ReFi Medellín

In March 2023, the ReFi DAO announced its goal to build a global regenerative economy with local communities asits fundamental units. It started with Lisboa as the perfect place to test and develop the concept of “local nodes”, setting the stage for what would come next.

By May, we made our move as well. Medellín ended up becoming the first Colombian Node of ReFi DAO.

We wanted to advocate for an inclusive, regenerative, and fair future for all in the city and its surroundings. 🏙️🏞️ After defining that, we went on to participate in the Gitcoin Grants Beta round, which was a huge success and led us to create a more robust structure for our work.

Many of us came together thanks to the vibrant web3 scene in the city. Today, leading ReFi Medellín is a dedicated team; in the early days started by Juan Giraldo and Tereza Bizkova and then joined by the amazing Alejandro Soto, Ximena Monclou, 0xflypeztic, Eamonn, Green Digital Guardians, Inkom.io, and Dotlabs().

The Role of Regeneration in Medellín Today

Consider Medellín in the late 20th century, labeled the "murder capital of the world." Fast forward to today, and you'll find an extremely welcoming, innovative, and resilient city. 🚀 The transformation goes beyond just addressing past challenges—Medellín truly reimagined its potential. The Metro and Metrocable systems are central to this change, breaking down barriers and bridging communities.

The progress resulted from a powerful technological push, making Medellín one of the smartest cities in Latin America. So, after an incredible tech revolution, we think it’s time to take the next step—the ReFi revolution 🌎

From landscape restoration and sustainable agriculture that regenerates the land and boosts the economy to social projects that enhance community integration and empower local talents, Medellín is ready.

Our Focus

The sentiment, "The biggest opportunity we have in web3 is to redesign what it means to be human," voiced by John Ellison, the founder of ReFi DAO, resonates deeply with us. It captures our commitment to reshaping how we connect with each other, our environment, and the whole planet. 🌱

We actively host various activities centered on regenerative finance, collaborating closely with local projects across sectors like mining, energy, agriculture, and more. We aim to foster dialogue and uplift those shaping the future of regeneration.

We also love getting involved at the grassroots level. Our community events, from meetups to nature activities, bring us together and promote environmental responsibility. Whether it's friendly trash collection challenges or tree-planting with crypto onboarding, we want to create a powerful blend between the digital and real worlds.

Overall, we have six different activity categories. Check them out. 👇

Through our monthly UBI contributions to Platohedro, a local community, planting hundreds of trees, translating the ReFi Wiki into Spanish, hosting various educational events, and much more, we've already impacted our community. To stay on top of our work, follow us on Twitter (where we also share monthly recaps)!

Join our movement to regenerate the future!

BlogPost by: TerezaBizkova


Treasury Management for Good: How ReFi Medellín Incorporates Glo Dollar

A few weeks ago, we shared an exciting announcement : the incorporation of Glo Dollar into our treasury. This represents a big milestone: di...